Serija Denon Home napolni vaš dom z vrhunskim brezžičnim zvokom.Izredni Denon Home 250 predvaja vso glasbo z odličnim zvokom, ki bi ga pričakovali od Denon-a. Združite ga še z enim Home 250 za stereo ali ga kombinirajte z drugimi vgrajenimi izdelki HEOS in poslušajte glasbo v vsakem kotičku doma.

Dobrodošel Home.

Uživajte v očarljivem zvoku v kateri koli sobi z Denon Home 250. Brez težav pretakajte svojo najljubšo glasbo, uporabite hitro izbiro le z nežnim dotikom in doživite impresivno akustično delovanje, ki temelji na 110 letih zvočne inovacije.



Kot vsak Denon je tudi Home 250 zgrajen tako, da zagotavlja neverjetno kakovost zvoka. Z napredno zvočno strojno opremo, strokovno nastavljeno digitalno obdelavo signalov in vrhunskimi gonilniki celotnega obsega, Denon Home 250 prinaša najbolj jasne najvišje in najgloblje nižje tone. Začutite izjemnost v vsakem ritmu.


    S pomočjo treh gumbov za hitro izbiranje na zvočniku lahko preprosto shranite svoje najljubše internetne radijske postaje, ki jih lahko predvajate kadar koli želite, ne da bi dvignili pametni telefon. Dvakrat se dotaknite gumba PAUSE / PLAY, da preidete na naslednjo skladbo ali se ga trikrat dotaknete, da se vrnete na prejšnjo skladbo ali začetek trenutne skladbe."


    Aplikacija HEOS je vse kar potrebujete. Prenesite ga iz Apple Store ali Play Store in v nekaj minutah integrirajte Denon Home 250 v svoje domače omrežje. Z lahkoto nadzorujte vse iz vaše pametne naprave.


    Z aplikacijo HEOS združite dva zvočnika Denon Home 250 in uživajte v resničnem stereo zvoku. Zvočnika Denon Home 250 delujeta kot levi in desni zvočnik, da zagotovita sistem Hi-Fi kakovosti, samo brez sistema. Poslušajte svojo Hi-Res zbirko z natančnostjo in pozornostjo do podrobnosti, ki si jo vaša glasba zasluži.


    Potopite se v brezžični zvok. Preprosto povežite par Denon Home 250 z zvočno vrstico DHT-S716H in nizkotonskim zvočnikom DSW-1H, da ustvarite popolni prostorski zvok za 5.1 domači kino.


    Ob standardnih nastavitvah visokih in bas tonov, uporabite nov Placement EQ za prilagoditev odziva globokih nizkih tonov glede na lokacijo vašega zvočnika. Preprečite doneči bas zaradi postavitve v kotu ali preprosto dvignite globoke tone, da ustrezajo vašemu individualnemu okusu."


Z vgrajenim HEOS-om ima lahko vsaka soba v vašem domu svoj zvok. Ali pa združite dodatne Denon Home zvočnike, soundbare, omrežne predvajalnike ali AV sprejemnike, da hišo napolnite z isto skladbo z uporabo vašega domačega omrežja. Vgrajeni HEOS v večih sobah pomeni več možnosti.



Denon Home 250 je s svojim elegantnim dizajnom in izvrstnimi materiali dovolj presenetljiv, da pritegne pozornost na prvi pogled. In vendar je dovolj subtilen, da se odlično ujema z vašim slogom in izpolnjuje najvišje estetske zahteve. Črna ali bela? Izberite Denon Home 250.



Začnite svojo glasbeno pustolovščino brez najmanjšega dotika. Novi vmesnik za zaznavanje bližine se aktivira takoj, ko se vaša roka približa gumbom. Kapacitivni, na dotik občutljivi gumbi zasvetijo, kar omogoča popolno, brezhibno upravljanje Denon Home 250.




  • "Denon Home 250 plays really great [...]. Even at the highest volume level, we have a clean sound, balanced bass. (-) It is a real treat for the ear. Denon's Home series is definitely mixing up the multi-room speaker market. There was a shortage of such products."
  • "In addition to a really room-filling sound with massive bass power, smooth treble and lively midtones, I really like the stylish, simple design. The high-quality choice of materials and the meticulous workmanship also make the Denon Home 250 score in my eyes. But what I found most inspiring: Thanks to the HEOS app, setup and control are so simple that even beginners can set up a complete multi-room solution in just a few minutes."
  • "I have seldom experienced a loudspeaker with such a balanced sound as the Denon Home 250 in this price and size range. It [...] is unrivalled among classic loudspeaker-amplifier combinations. Two Denon Home 250 coupled as a stereo pair should also be a serious alternative to the old hi-fi systems of the last decade in terms of sound quality."
  • "Na kratko, novi multiroom zvočniki so bili dolgo pričakovani. Nimamo nič slabih besed za stare zvočnike Heos, vendar so začeli dajati zastareli vtis. Sodoben svež dizajn, nove vznemirljive lastnosti in nenazadnje - peklensko dober zvok. Denon je s serijo Home pripravljen na prihodnost. Seveda ti zvočniki niso poceni, a vendar velja pravilo, da dobite tisto, za kar ste plačani. "
  • Denon Home 250 je majhen HiFi zvočnik, o tem ni dvoma. Kombinacija dveh Home 250 v stereo sistem naj bi dala zanimiv rezultat. Navsezadnje gre za zelo kompaktno napravo, ki ponuja dostop do glavnih pretočnih glasbenih storitev, Multiroom in AirPlay 2.
  • "The Denon Home 250 scores with its reserved, noble appearance, to which the attribute "timeless" fits perfectly, as well as with its elaborate amplifier layout and the spatially immensely dense, neatly resolving sound. In a smaller living room it can without doubt pass as a fully-fledged acoustic solution. The control via Heos App is comfortable, the range of streaming services is wide."
  • "Denon has always had a knack for combining sophisticated technology with contemporary design. The Home 250 is no exception. With four drivers and a passive radiator, the compact wireless speaker knows how to create a good atmosphere without overestimating itself. Especially the possibility of coupling with other devices for larger setups through HEOS Built-in is even more impressive."
  • "Despite its compact exterior, the Denon Home 250 scores with impressive sound, good equipment and workmanship, numerous music services and a successful app."
  • "Denons Home 250 convinces with a room-filling sound and a surprising bass performance. Added to this are soft highs, lively mids and a truly stylish and classic design. The impressive choice of high-quality materials and careful workmanship also make the Denon Home 250 a winner. What's most inspiring: Setup and control are so easy thanks to the HEOS app."
  • "Powerful, scalable, connected, smart and versatile, the Denon Home 250 is an attractive and versatile solution for all the needs of music and/or home theater enthusiasts. An excellent synthesis."
  • "The Denon Home 250 and Denon Home 350 speakers are as easy to install and use as ever thanks to the Heos application. They deliver a balanced and harmonious sound that is perfect for listening to music in rooms from 20 to 30 m²."
  • "With the Smart-Box Home 250, Denon presents a compact and powerful loudspeaker for wireless music enjoyment across multiple rooms. Whether online streaming services such as Spotify and Amazon music, web radio via TuneIn or stationary audio sources such as USB sticks and TVs, the Home 250 offers an intuitive and intensive music experience of a special kind thanks to its user-friendly Heos App and practical direct selection buttons."
  • "Home games are the best. Owners of the Denon Home 250 can justifiably claim this. Because the multi-room loudspeaker combines a whole bundle of positive features. Not only does it sound excellent, but thanks to HEOS integration, it also functions as the perfect control centre for music streaming in one or more rooms via WLAN, Bluetooth and AirPlay 2. The application is characterised by a high level of user comfort and unproblematic handling. In addition, the Home 250 pleases with its high-quality fabric covering and the chic surface with a smart proximity sensor."
  • “Denon gave us another successful network loudspeaker, which even on its own can do well, and in stereo configuration it can be an alternative to a budget hi-fi system. A pair of 250 HOMEs will play good even in a large room, building a wall of powerful sound built on deep bass. The unquestionable advantage of such a solution are small dimensions and easy installation of speakers, the possibility of placing them on dedicated stands or hanging on a wall, not to mention the functionality of HEOS application. Audiophiles will be interested in the possibility of playing hi-res files and compatibility with Roon system [...]. I have no doubt that it will be successful.”
  • "Whether in the bathroom, kitchen, office or living room, Denon's three new smart speakers; the Home 150, Home 250 and Home 350 offer powerful music streaming to meet the highest demands. The choice of possible music sources is enormous, the application intuitive, and the possibilities almost limitless. Whether Internet radio, online music services, HiRes or Bluetooth music streaming, Denon's multi-room system offers great possibilities for digital music enjoyment at home."
  • "Denon Home 250 is a well-rounded product that can be connected with a multitude of services and technologies, so that most users will satisfy their needs with it. The sound is very good in every way and the device is very easy to use. And if you are looking for a solution to easily listen to music in your home or workspace, you should definitely consider Home 250."
  • Single Streaming Speaker of the Year 2020/21
    "Music on demand throughout the house with the dependability of this Japanese hi-fi company. They are wireless and come in different sizes and powers so that you can create your own quality system in one room or distribute them throughout the house. The sound quality is a delight and all the multimedia possibilities offered by its connectivity put the icing on the cake of this Denon Home. It's the best choice for 2020 to have a connected smart home with good sound."


  • Nameq
  • Online Manual
  • Product Information Sheet Denon Home 250
    11. 26. 2019
    0.89 MB
  • Denon Home 350 Quick Start Guide
    12. 09. 2019
    1.25 MB
  • Denon Home 350 Owners Manual
    01. 06. 2020
    1,81 MB


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